Oceanographic research ship

This ship has been designed and equipped for the study of the sea beds and the very high depths (up to 5000 meters). It is equipped with measuring and monitoring instruments, such as a CTD multichannel data logger, Sub bottom profiler, Multibeam, Multisensor Core Scanner, Side Scan Sonar, R.O.V. for the high depths sampling. With the rich range of on board instruments and the wet and dry labs, on the ship it is possible to perform the chemo-physical and biological analysis of the collected samples. The scientific instruments located under the keel are protected by a sort of shell in order to insure the alignment and the maximum precision of the measurements. The ship is equipped with lifting instruments and winches for the recovery and positioning in the sea of series of oceanographic instruments and wavemeter buoys with their ballasts. The ship is provided with the most advanced and precise safety systems for life on board, and swinging cameras for optical and infra-red vision. The propulsion is managed by the electronic system for the dynamic positioning that guarantees a fixed point during the operations also in very rough sea and weather conditions. On board it is possible to host up to 21 technicians and scientists, plus the crew, with their cabins and very comfortable common spaces. The on board fuel tank capacity insures 40 days of autonomy for the oceanographic campaigns and more than 10.000 miles of cruising range.


Oceanographic research ship
Length overall
49,98 mt
Length BP
44,70 mt
Breadth moulded
10 mt
Construction height
4,50 mt
Maximum draft
3,30 mt
Maximum speed
15 knots