Sarno Project

The River Sarno represents one of the Gulf of Naples major sources of pollution, counting numerous industrial waste outlets and many abusive sewage outlets throughout its length. An operation for the restoring the river's ecosystem has involved the removal of macro pollution, which is heavily damaging an area of large tourist interest including the Island of Capri. Ecolmare's project is vital to the local economy, which is based principally on tourism.
The configuration of the operating module consists of a Pelican, two floating booms to contain pollution and two absorbent booms, together with a craned-lorry for the carriage of garbage and a floating reservoir for the oil.
The best area for the operation was a 300 mt stretch of river just before the delta. Two Spillmaster floating booms and two Heavy-Duty booms capable to absorb floating oil are placed across the river. The current conveyed naturally the macropollution to the open jaws of the Pelican. This garbage was collected in the container and loaded into the storage container and then discharged on the lorry. The service offered included macropollution and oil collection, the treatment of the floating chemical products, removal of superficial foams, and reefs cleaning.
A Pelican was equipped with a laboratory for research and monitoring activities in order to analyze all kinds of pollution. The planning modules included bacteriological and chemical-physical research and the analysis of heavy metal contamination.